Frequently asked questions

General Questions

Classes & Activities


questions about classes & activities

What ages and grade levels are STAC classes and activities for?

STAC instructors and families create classes and activities for all ages, from toddler to high school and beyond. We strongly believe in life-learning. Outside of formal activities, we find that kids at STAC connect with each other based on interests and play style, rather than age.

My child is very interested in a class, but they are a little too young (or old). Can we still sign up?

Probably so. STAC instructors understand that kids mature in different ways and at different rates. Talk to the teacher to find out whether the class would be a good fit.

How do I pay my instructor(s)?

Please contact your instructors by email to arrange payment. Instructors will accept cash or checks made payable directly to each instructor. Some may offer options to pay by credit card or PayPal, and many are flexible on payment terms.

How does STAC choose instructors?

We have a team interview process in place to make sure that all instructors and tutors at STAC pass a background check and are a good philosophical fit. While we value different teaching styles and approaches, we specifically seek out instructors who are:

  • passionate

  • highly qualified

  • flexible

  • responsive to parents

  • excited to work with kids from all backgrounds and abilities

How can I teach at STAC?

If you are interested in becoming an instructor, please talk to a board member or contact us with some information about you and the classes you are interested in teaching.

How do I contact a teacher?

Each instructor will determine and communicate the best methods for contacting them. Teacher email addresses are available in each teacher’s profile. If you are having trouble contacting a teacher, please email us at

What special events do you have throughout the year?

If you can dream it up, we can make it happen! Last year we had a lake day, a fancy dress tea party, a Quidditch match, a talent show, James and the Giant Peach month, market days for adult and child creators and entrepreneurs, an open house event, a spring potluck, a Winter party, a Valentine's Day party, field trips, marshmallow roasting. There have also been countless spontaneous art and science activities, nature walks, mini TED talks, dance parties, book groups, and homeschooling parent support groups. 

Do you use a curriculum?

Each instructor is responsible for planning his/her own class. Some instructors may use already established curriculum; others will establish their own.  Click here for class descriptions.

Are you accredited?

STAC is a homeschool program that offers community, support, and enrichment classes and activities to our families. It is not accredited by any state or educational agency.

What is "Play! Create! Learn!" ?

Play! Create! Learn! is our Friday afternoon open-structured meet-up for a variety of group activities. Our goal is to cultivate a relaxed atmosphere where parents and children can come together to create community. Be prepared to engage with all ages, contribute ideas for activities and most of all to have fun!! We will be planning some special days for big activities such as Quidditch, Nerf battles, a talent show, and many others. We have a private facebook group to help Play! Create! Learn! families keep in touch and share ideas. 

  • Every Friday from 1-3pm.

  • Play! Create! Learn! is $80 per family to help cover supplies. Please click here to sign up now.

  • Please, no NERF guns at PCL except on designated NERF days

Does STAC offer activities for adults?

Absolutely. Every semester, STAC offers workshops for parents and instructors, college-prep information sessions, clubs and social activities. STAC parents have performed original plays, organized book clubs and support groups. We welcome ideas and requests! Contact or ask a board or committee member if you’d like help organizing something new.

What do I do if I have concerns about a class or activity?

If you have concerns or complaints about a class or activity, you should communicate that to the instructor or coordinator involved. If your concerns are about another participant or family, you should communicate your issues with the person or family involved.

If you have exhausted all of your avenues of direct communication or if there is an immediate danger, please contact a member of the Board of Directors with your concerns.